Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Incredible Shrinking Man

At the doctors recently the nurse asked for my height, which I already knew to be 5' 11". She discovered differently. I was two inches shorter than the last time I had my height measured, which I can't recall so it was a long time ago.

No, I told the nurse, that can't be right. It is, Mr. Stewart. You can see the measurement yourself.

I'm shrinking, I sobbed as she smiled and led me to the room to wait for the doctor. When I told him of my surprise about my height he just shook his head and totally made me feel better by saying, "Yes, people tend to get shorter as they age. My God, I'm aging. At this rate if I live to be 80 I'll be 4'3" .I guess I can just blame it on gravity and the cycle of life: the earth is pulling us closer someday to even pull us underground (after we're dead, I mean.) Such a lovely thought!

I'm taking a weekly med, a daily supplement, calcium and Vitamin K that's supposed to help bone and teeth strength, and getting more exercise. If I can't reverse what's happened at least I can keep it from getting worse.

My question is: I thought chocolate cured everything.

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