Saturday, August 11, 2012

My Bedtime Chocolate

In preparation for Valentine's Day, Moreen put two squares of Godiva dark chocolate on my pillow so I could have a treat while I read my book. She started this and got me hooked. It hadn't occurred to me that a chocolate lover such as myself could fall asleep to that particular sweetness. So now that V Day's over I've become my own supplier. I have a bag of dark chocolate (from breaking up a Trader Joe's organic bar, 60% cacao, into a plastic bag) in the drawer next to my bed. Now I have another reason (besides being sleepy) to go to bed.   One morning I (reluctantly) woke up at the request of our corgis and prepared to take them for a walk. Brushing my hair I noticed something next to my mouth. It was about an inch and a half of brown drool. It was leftover chocolate from my evening forays.   Another evening getting ready for bed I noticed little crumbs of chocolate on the sheets. When I tried to brush them away, the specs smeared across the sheet. I was hoping I could go all winter without changing my sheets. (Think about it -- with pj's and socks there's nothing touching the surrounding sheets, so it's not so important to wash them. I guess I should have considered washing the pillow cases. Instead I just switched the two pillows so the one with a clean pillow case was now on top. So if I did this every week, switching the pillows around, I would have four "clean" pillow cases before I'd be forced to wash them.)   Because of the chocolate I did have to wash my sheets. Oh, and my  pjs . The chocolate bits were melted into back of my night clothes. Jeez, all this chocolate everywhere, maybe I should start a new habit?   So now instead of biting or breaking chocolate in half in preparation for eating I pop the entire square (or squares) into my mouth. Voila! No more chocolate crumbs.

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